International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC)

An internationally recognized global sustainability standard for agricultural, petrochemical and bioenergy products.


As a third-party certification body, DoubleHelix can audit the implementation of ISCC sustainability and certification standards.

ISCC certification ensures credible, sustainable, traceable and deforestation-free biomass products, covering all types of agricultural, forestry and other raw materials, including wastes and residues, non-biological renewable materials (RFNBOs, also known as renewable fuels of non-biological origin) and recycled carbon-based materials.

It provides assurance that bio-based feedstocks and renewables are not obtained from biodiverse or high carbon-rich areas. It also allows monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and has to correspond to good social criteria such as safe working conditions and compliance with human, labour and land rights.

ISCC certification in Singapore
  • DoubleHelix is the only ISCC Certification Body registered in Singapore (ISCC Identifier: SG250).

  • Qualified auditors are located in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, to maximise local expertise and minimise travel expenses.

  • Through our partnership with EnviroSense, UK-based auditors can carry out ISCC audits across Europe and the Middle East.


ISCC offers two certification schemes to address different market requirements:

  • ISCC EU applies to biomass and biofuels. It demonstrates that a company has voluntarily implemented sustainability criteria to comply with the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) and Fuel Quality Directive (FQD). Certification shows that the supply chain and agricultural products or residues, production residues, biogenic wastes used to create biofuel (e.g. bioLNG, bioLPG, biobutanol, biopropane, biomethane, rDME etc.) and the heat and power energy that is generated is compliant with RED II requirements.

  • ISCC PLUS is a voluntary certification for non-regulated markets, covering:

    • Bio-based feedstocks: Feedstocks that are derived from biomass (biodegradable fraction of products, wastes and residues, in addition to the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste).

    • Circular feedstocks: Material derived from the mechanical and/or chemical processing of recyclable materials of non-biological origin (fossil-based).

    • Renewable feedstocks: Material of non-biological origin, using renewable energy sources in which the input material does not contain fuelled energy.

    • Biofuels: For markets outside of the EU.


For more information


Benefits of ISCC EU Certification

  • Greater access to international markets that require biomass and biofuel traceability and assurances.

  • Acceptance of your feedstock or fuel into EU markets that require RED II and Fuel Quality Directive compliance.

  • Essential tool for brands and companies to demonstrate increased Corporate Social Responsibility.

  • Verification of your company’s ESG goals with respect to biofuels and biomass.

  • Accessibility to financial incentives that require certification and evidence that your outputs are contributing to meeting biofuel targets through compliance with sustainability criteria.


DoubleHelix partners with EnviroSense to provide specialist ISCC audit expertise, as well as other verification and due diligence services to the renewable energy and waste industry.


ISCC Public Register

ISCC maintains a public register of all ISCC certificates. Click below to access.


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